A second location in Penscola is coming soon!

Become a patient today at 65 Plus - Nine Mile or 65 Plus – Bellview. Our new location is opening soon and currently accepting new patients. Want to wait until Bellview opens? Join our waitlist. To become a patient, call us or fill out this form.

Who We Are: 
Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus

At Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus - Nine Mile and Bellview, our trusted team of providers takes an innovative and comprehensive approach to primary care with your unique health needs in mind.

Here, you're the star of the show. Along with your physician, we build a team who provides customized care based on your goals and preferences. You also have access to our fitness center and community rooms, where you're surrounded by people to help you be your best self. It's primary care near you.


Coordinated Care Makes Your Life Easier

When you're a patient, you can rest assured that your entire team is working from a single medical record to understand your needs. And because your team has 24/7 access to the same information, you won't have to repeat tests or undergo any unnecessary procedures.

Meet Our Providers

Find a Location Near You

Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus - University

University Center, 1095 East Nine Mile Road
Pensacola, FL 32514
Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus – Okatie

50 Terrace Drive
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus – Bellview

Coming Soon!

5998 Mobile Highway
Pensacola, FL 32526
Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus – Savannah

Coming Soon!

48 East Derenne Avenue
Savannah, GA 31405

Discover the Power
Of Your Own 

Personal Care Team

Sciton BroadBand® Light Treatment

Forever Young BBL™

Forever Clear BBL™  

BBL™ Corrective Vascular

BBL™ Corrective Pigment 

Basic Peel

Photodynamic Therapy 






The Perfect Derma™ Peel


Restylane® Lyft, Kysse, Contour, Refyne and Deflyne


We offer convenient dermatology care in 
Baton Rouge 

Our Cosmetic Services Include:

Dr. Kerry-Ann Miller

Dr. Mary Yu

Dr. James Fitzpatrick

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Schedule OnlineCALL 850-558-4665

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I or a family member become an Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus patient at Nine Mile or Bellview?

Call 850-558-4665 to schedule an appointment or a guided tour. We are accepting new patients.

Who can visit an Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus location?

Patients who are 65 years of age or older who have Humana Medicare Advantage (including dual eligible members and Honor Plan members) insurance or traditional Medicare or traditional Medicare with a Medicare supplement.

What are the hours of operation?

Our hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Additionally, Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus in Pensacola provides 24-hour care through "Ochsner On Call."

How is this different than my current primary care provider?

You will be surrounded by a comprehensive care team who will get to know you and your current capabilities, needs, health and goals all in one environment. Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus Nine Mile and Bellview visits are longer than traditional primary care visits, allowing you to spend more time with your doctor.

What kind of health coverage do I need to visit a Novant Health 65 Plus provider?

Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus accepts traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans offered by Humana.

  • All Humana HMO, PPO and Honor plans

  • All Humana Duals and Chronic Special Condition plans (C-SNPs)

  • All Humana Give Back HMO or PPO plans

How can I learn more about Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus Nine Mile and Bellview news, updates and events?

Schedule Now

What does the facility look like?

What services do you provide?

  • Comprehensive primary care including immunizations, lab work, balance services and screenings

  • Mental health counseling

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy and emotional support

  • Nutrition support

  • Medication education and management

  • Fitness center and group classes

  • Community room for activities, guest speakers, cooking demonstrations, card games and educational classes






Meet Our Pensacola Physician Team

Our physician team members are accepting new patients. Along with other devoted care team members, physicians take a comprehensive approach to achieve your health and wellness needs and goals. Completely focused on the needs of patients who are 65 and older, our physicians spend more time getting to know you and have a unique perspective to providing care.

Find a Doctor

Your Health Goals Are Our Top Priority

Whatever it is you need to start living your best life, your personalized primary care team at Nine Mile and Bellview is dedicated to your health and will seamlessly work with you and your physician to help you get there. You will always receive specialized, customized care from your care team, which includes:

• Primary care doctor
• Care coordinator
• Nurse and/or medical assistant
Patient access team member
Community engagement specialist

*Additional care team members coming in 2023

We offer convenient dermatology care in 

3 Reasons To Choose Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus for Your Care

We offer convenient dermatology care in 

3 Reasons To Choose Ochsner 65 Plus for Your Care

We recognize the importance of building a strong relationship with your primary care providers. That’s why our visits are longer than traditional visits. This extra time allows your care team to really get to know you and your goals.

Spend More Time with Your Doctor

Get Access to Your Own Personal Care Team

With a physician, care coordinator, patient access team member, engagement specialist and more on your primary care team, you’ll be given the personalized support you need to achieve your health goals — whether it's playing tag with your grandkids, reaching a new fitness milestone or reducing the risk of falls. We meet you wherever you are in your health journey.

Be Part of a Community

Take a chair yoga class. Play bingo or card games with new friends. Create a masterful work of art. Join a healthy cooking demo. Watch a movie. These are the kinds of activities you can
expect to find at Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus in Pensacola. Our fitness and community rooms allow you to work toward your goals while enjoying the company of others in a calm, comfortable, caring environment.

Achieve your 
Health goals with 
Ochsner Novant Health 65 Plus

Find a 
Near You

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Schedule OnlineCALL 850-558-4665

*Additional care team members coming in 2023